Advance Zeolite Liquid
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  ZeoZone-Zeolite Liquid
/ ZeoZone-Zeolite Liquid
ZeoZone - ZeoLite Liquid Go to top

Supplement Facts

ZeoZone - Clinopolite Zeolite with Magnesium

ZeoZone   is a "chelating" or cleansing formulation containing Clinoptilolite. A natural volcanic ash which is essentially a negatively charged honeycomb like 'cage' structure capable of attracting and electro-chemically bonding with toxic minerals and metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium, cadmium, nickel and arsenic for safe natural removal from the body.

Clinoptilolite is a safe "alumino- silicate", also capable of assisting the transportation of desirable and beneficial nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium , sodium and iron to parts of the body where they are needed most. Therefore   ZeoZone helps to make advantageous nutrients and minerals more readily 'bio-available' while helping to eliminate harmful others.

Living in a world of industrialisation, motor cars, herbicides and pesticides means that we are exposed to more toxins than ever before, and have been building up in our bodies and skin from one generation to the next. Vital organs such as heart, liver, lungs may be working at reduced performance levels and overall health and well being may also be declining.

History of Zeolite Go to top

Zeolite has been used for centuries in various forms; a specific instance was in China where 800 years ago it was regularly used by women wanting to 'cleanse; before falling pregnant. There is lots of anecdotal evidence like this but it was not till last century that zeolite took on real acclaim in industrial usages to more effectively assist us with a cleaner environment. Zeolite has been used in animal husbandry, agriculture, water purification and even Nuclear Waste Reprocessing with remarkable success. It has only been in the last few years however, that zeolite has been considered for medicinal, health and well-being purposes.

Structure of Zeolites Go to top

What makes zeolite so unique is its rigid structure which is arranged in an ordered, matrix configuration resembling a bee's honeycomb. The microscopic channels, cavities, pores, cells, or cages (we will call them cages as they trap molecules), which form this intricate honeycomb structure, are usually uniform in shape and size. As the zeolites are microporous crystalline solids they usually have a well-defined geometric framework.

A defining feature of all zeolites is that they are insoluble and are composed of a stable combination of silicon, aluminium and oxygen in their frameworks. Most zeolites are made up of 4-connected networks of atoms, called a tetrahedra. A tetrahedral is formed with a silicon atom in the middle and oxygen atoms at the corners.

These tetrahedra can then be linked together by their corners to form a variety of beautiful structures. The framework structure  contain the linked cages, which are of the right size to allow smaller molecules to enter – i.e. the limiting cage sizes are roughly between 3 and 10 Å in diameter.

Zeolite, technically a mineral, consists of alternating Silica Tetra Oxide and Aluminum Tetra Oxide crystals that arrange themselves in a lattice-like configuration. The compound has a negative electrostatic charge, while toxic heavy metals have a positive charge. Zeolite thus provides an extensive negatively charged surface area that can attract and bind positively charged toxic metals. The Zeolite-metal complex is then excreted from the body. The Aluminum is locked in to the Zeolite structure and is not retained within your body. Zeolites throughout the world have been used extensively in water processing, have been shown to be of value in bacterial diarrhea (it binds to bacterial toxins too), and are now being used in animal and human detoxification. Zeolite is less potent a chelator than  the chemical agents such as EDTA, DMSA, and DMPS, although we do not have a long-term track record with the use of Zeolite in chelation therapy, this material is very safe if purified and sub-micronised. Zeolite is very cost effective and makes chelation therapy affordable to everyone.

The Cation Exchange Go to top

Zeolites are also often referred to as molecular sieves. The term "molecular sieve" refers to the particular unique property of zeolites in their ability to selectively sort molecules based primarily on their size and electrochemical charge. The fact that the zeolites were formed from alkaline salts has imparted in them a natural, strong, negative charge, called its cation exchange capacity 'CEC'. Each deposit has its own different CEC that is peculiar to that particular zeolite deposit.

The possibility to attract and hold positively charged cations at ease through their open cage structure gives zeolites their great advantage to act as a natural sieves or filters for many heavy metal cations and other molecules that carry positive charges. To use a layman's explanation it has an action similar to a magnet attracting iron filings and holding them there.

The CEC is measured in milliequivalents per 100 grams [meq/100g]. This measurement is expressing the negative charge of the structure (cage) so that there is a difference between the amount of the positive charged [i.e. 1+, 2+, 3+] cations and molecules that are needed to balance (neutralise) the cage's negative charge.

The higher the negative charge the higher the CEC. The higher the CEC the stronger the attraction and the more cations and other positively charged molecules that can be held in the cages.

Natural zeolites can accommodate a wide variety of cations, for example the heavy metals Al, Pb2+, Hg2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Ba, Fe3+, Zn2+, Cr3+ and others such as Na, K, Ca2+, Mg2+ and many other molecules which carry a positive charge. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution.

Particle Size and Cleansing Go to top

Particle size is specified as between 1 micron and 12 microns, the reason it covers this type of range is that the process of air micronisation makes it impossible to have all particles equal and from experience there needs to be a varied range.

Cleaning of the raw product is difficult and time consuming, we use food grade acids and put the raw material through several hot washes and rinses till the level of cleanliness is achieved.

Other Uses Go to top

Water, Oxygen, Chemical Purification

This applies to ordinary domestic, commercial, and medicinal applications.
Zeolite is an important factor in water purification and in keeping swimming pools clean.

It easily absorbs ammonia and other toxic gasses from the air for improved health conditions as well as odour removal.


Soil water-retention, slow release fertiliser, feed binders. Animal Husbandry
Improves conversion values of feed nutrient ingredients and substantially reduces noxious methane emissions.

Nuclear Waste Cleanup

Zeolite also has also been recognised as an active ingredient in cleaning up nuclear waste. It attracts and captures waste fission materials for safer disposal elsewhere.

Chernobyl is an example of this.

Australian Clinoptilolite is very well suited to these applications being resistant to extreme temperatures, generous in pore space and basically neutral in structure. There are many forms of Clinoptilolite both natural and synthetic. Natural Australian clinoptilolite is denser than other varieties and once milled offers a harder, smoother finish with more uniformly sized pores.